Toowoomba Christian Fellowship

Sunday meetings at 9:30am

All visitors welcome



  • 3rd | House to House Fellowship | 7:30pm
  • 4th | Seniors | 9:30am
  • 6th | Young Adults | 7:00pm
  • 10th | House to House Fellowship | 7:30pm
  • 13th | Working Bee | 7:30am
  • 13th | Young Adults | 7:00pm
  • 14th | Teens Lunch | 1:00pm
  • 17th | House to House Fellowship | 7:30pm
  • 20th | Bible School | 3:00pm
  • 26th | Young Adults Dinner | 6:00pm
  • 27th | Teens & Families | 7:00pm



  • 1st | Seniors | 9:30am
  • 3rd | Kids Club | 2:30pm
  • 3rd | Young Adults | 7:00pm
  • 7th | House to House Fellowship | 7:30pm
  • 9th | Prayer at Church/Single day fast
  • 10th | Working Bee | 7:30am
  • 10th | Teens Activity | 1:30pm
  • 10th | Young Adults | 7:00pm
  • 14th | House to House Fellowship | 7:30pm
  • 17th | Bible School | 3:00pm
  • 21st | House to House Fellowship | 7:30pm
  • 24th | Teens & Families | 7:00pm
  • 25th | Young Adults Lunch | 1:00pm